IMPORTANT NOTICE: We have recently been made aware of fraudulent WhatsApp groups and imitation websites appearing to look like Coller Capital and exploiting our brand. Take caution and read the full notice.



Fact sheet archive
Fact Sheet
December 2024
Class I | Class D | Class I-3
Class I | Class D | Class I-3
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Fund documents
Quarterly update
Q3 2024
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Prospectus – CollerEquity Feeder
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Summary of Key Risk Factors
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Summary of Investor Rights
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Key information documents (KID)

I Class EU English KID
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I Class EU English KID
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D Class EU Greek KID
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D Class EU Greek KID
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D Class EU Greek KID
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D Class EU Greek KID
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D Class EU Greek KID
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D Class EU Greek KID
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“CollerEquity” is an investment platform comprising a SICAV SCSp (société d’investissement à capital variable – société en commandite spéciale) and a SICAV SA (société d’investissement à capital variable – société anonyme). Both the SICAV SCSp and the SICAV SA are registered as Part II UCIs with the Luxembourg supervisory authority (the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier - CSSF).

Please refer to the prospectus issued in relation to CollerEquity (the “Prospectus”) for more information on the CollerEquity investment platform and its different vehicles.

CollerEquity’s investment objective is to seek to provide long-term capital appreciation. Strategically, CollerEquity aims for attractive absolute and risk-adjusted returns, diversification, and the opportunity for more liquidity than traditional private equity funds through investments in a portfolio of private equity assets. CollerEquity’s investment exposure to these investments is expected to be implemented, principally via secondary transactions, in a variety of investment types.

Please refer to the Prospectus for more information on CollerEquity’s investment objectives and the assets it will invest into.

It is intended for CollerEquity to offer monthly subscriptions and quarterly redemptions (subject to the provisions and limitations set out in the Prospectus).

CollerEquity may be made available to professional and certain eligible non-professional investors.

Subscriptions for shares in CollerEquity are intended to be accepted on the last business day of each month.

Requests for subscription in CollerEquity must be received by the CollerEquity’s central administrator by 5 p.m. Central European Time at least 5 business days prior to the relevant subscription date.

Please refer to the Prospectus for more information on the subscription process in CollerEquity.

Redemptions are expected to be offered on the last business day of each calendar quarter.

Requests for redemption of shares in CollerEquity must be received by the CollerEquity’s central administrator by 5 p.m. Central European Time at least 20 business days prior to the relevant redemption date.

Redemptions are generally limited to 5% of the net asset value per quarter.

In addition, some class of shares will be subject to an early redemption deduction in the event such shares are redeemed during an period starting from the date of subscription.

Please refer to the Prospectus for more information on the CollerEquity’s redemption programme and the redemption process.

CollerEquity’s fees vary by share class. Please refer to the prospectus for more information on CollerEquity’s fees.

CollerEquity’s minimum investment will vary depending on the share class and may be subject to higher local requirements in certain jurisdictions. As a baseline Classes C, D, I-2 and I-3 have a minimum investment of USD 50,000 or equivalent in relevant currency and Class I have a minimum investment of USD 1,000,000 or equivalent in the relevant currency.

Please refer to the Prospectus for more information on the minimum investment amounts in CollerEquity.

The Reference Currency of CollerEquity is the U.S. Dollar. However, some share classes may be offered in additional or different currencies. CollerEquity may decide, at any time, to create additional share classes whose reference currency may differ from the existing classes of shares.

The complete list of available Share Classes will be available online at CollerEquity’s website as well as at the registered office of the relevant CollerEquity vehicle.

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Important disclosure information

Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Coller Luxembourg domiciled SICAV fund (the “Fund”).

Coller Private Equity Secondaries (“CollerEquity”) is a Sub-Fund of Coller Secondaries SICAV.  CollerEquity will be offered only to professional and qualified investors in countries where such offer is authorized.

CollerEquity is authorized and supervised by the Luxembourg supervisory authority, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier. Such authorization does not, however, imply approval by any Luxembourg authority of the contents of the prospectus or of the prospective investments held by CollerEquity. Any representation to the contrary is unauthorized and unlawful.

Any investment in CollerEquity will be speculative and will involve a high degree of risk. Any such investment will be suitable only for those investors who have the financial sophistication and expertise to evaluate the risks of an investment in CollerEquity and for which it does not represent a complete investment program. An investment in CollerEquity should only be considered by persons who can afford a loss of their entire investment. The following is a summary of only certain considerations and is qualified in its entirety by the more detailed risk and conflict disclosures in CollerEquity prospectus, Key Information Document, or other relevant documents. Investors are urged to consult with their own tax and legal advisors about the implications of any investment in CollerEquity.

There is no assurance that CollerEquity will be able to generate returns for their investors or that returns will be commensurate with the risks of investing in the types of assets in which CollerEquity may indirectly invest in.

The portfolio of investments of CollerEquity is expected to mainly include private equity investments, which cannot generally be readily liquidated without impacting the liquidity of CollerEquity. Therefore CollerEquity may not always have the ability to satisfy all investors redemption requests.

An investment into CollerEquity should only be considered by persons who can afford a loss of their entire investment. There can be no assurance that CollerEquity’s investment objective will be achieved, that investors will receive a return of their capital or pay distributions in any particular amount, if at all.

Past or projected performance is not a guarantee, projection or prediction and is not indicative of future results.

Interests in CollerEquity have not been, and will not be, registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the Securities Act), or the applicable securities laws of any United States state or any non-United States jurisdiction. The interest in the CollerEquity may not be offered, sold or delivered directly or indirectly in the United States or to or for the account or benefit of any “U.S. Person” except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act and any applicable state laws. As such, any “U.S. Person” may not receive and should not act or rely on this Press Release or any other materials related to CollerEquity.

Any potential investors should conduct their own investigations and analysis of Coller, CollerEquity and the information set forth in the applicable Prospectus and other materials.